TURKBOR A.Ş. in order to meet the needs of critical materials of our defense industry and to increase the domestic share by reducing foreign dependency, the production of Boron End Products by using High Technology has been determined as a target.
The world's prominent one, Europe's Largest and Developed "R&D Center and Prototype Production Base"
This investment will; meet all of our country’s strategic defense industry needs through high value-added, export-oriented, planned outputs, completely end our dependence on the USA, UKRAINE and GERMANY in the supply of these products and strengthen our place among “THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTREIS IN THE WORLD” by making Turkey advance in the Defence Industry.
Boron End Products are used in more than 440 sectors around the world and ANNUAL TURNOVER reaches 60 billion dollars. Each year, an average increase of 20% when we consider the demand, made in Turkey of 73.4% of all available boron mines in the world, once again arises that this investment is an important strategic investment in our country, how much done.
Our Members

The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) Gagarina, 4, of the Dnieper, 49005, Ukraine. http://nmetau.edu.ua

Ukrainian Institute for Designing Iron and Steel Works (GP UKRGIPROMEZ). Sicheslavskaya 17 of the Dnieper, 49000, Ukraine. http://gipromez.com.ua